Our neighbors in Charlestown have welcomed our participation in these meetings and I
know they have been working hard on their response to the Wynn DEIR. Personally, I am against a casino in Everett for a lot of reasons but what is most disconcerting to me is the total lack of consideration and input from surrounding communities that will be affected greatly - Yes, SOMERVILLE. It has been confirmed that the Charestown community meeting regarding the Wynn Casino will be on Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00 P.M. at the
Knights of Columbus - 545 Medford Street. Help spread the word.
RA/SS Advocacy Coalition Working Group
Charlestown, Massachusetts
To: Elizabeth Dello Russo, Executive Director
Anthony Gallagher
Vineet Gupta
From: Evelyn Addante, Marc Older, Bill Lamb, Liz Levin, Ivey St John
Working Group for the RA/SS Advocacy Coalition
Date: January 7th, 2013
Re: Wynn Casino DEIR Analysis and Questions
The City of Boston has been planning changes to Rutherford Avenue and Sullivan Square
since the late 1990’s. During the course of the last four years and dozens of meetings
Charlestown residents have developed the current plans for Rutherford Avenue and Sullivan
Square. The community looks forward to the creation of a vibrant and livable community
with safe access to the Sullivan Square T station, whether traveling on foot, by bicycle or car
at all times of day in this currently underutilized area.
Wynn Everett now proposes to build a hotel/casino that will result in a large percentage
increase in traffic through Boston (Charlestown) for its daily operations.
The narrative below addresses many questions developed by the RA/SS Advocacy Coalition
Working Group, and are based on a review of Wynn’s DEIR Volume 1.
Mitigation Issues for 2017 Opening:
To facilitate access to its hotel/casino Wynn Everett proposes to implement Sullivan Square
Project Mitigation Off-Site Improvements (DEIR pg 4-169) & (Table 18-1 Proposed
Transportation Mitigation Measures). These measures are:
A coordinated traffic signal timing plan for Maffa Way/Cambridge Street, and
adjacent signals, and installation of interconnected signals at the intersection of
Rutherford Ave/Sullivan Square circle.
Widening of Main Street approach to the intersection with two approach lanes.
Cambridge Street/I-93 off ramp (intersection 52 aka 53) improvements (DEIR Table
18-1) to include widening of the off-ramp approach.
Commitment to fund planning and conceptual design of SS and RA. Note: we
believe that funding is assured from government sources for the next phase, and is
scheduled to start this month.
Please show detailed plans (similar to casino entrance plan shown in Figure 2-5 pg 63) for
resulting roadway design changes. Plan should indicate any proposed land takings as may be
required to gain additional width.
Please demonstrate that if these improvements are completed, the LOS in Sullivan Square
will be satisfactory at the time the casino opens in 2017 to accommodate the added casino
Please provide the anticipated interim plan (2017) LOS for each hour between 6:00 AM and
12:00 AM on a typical Friday at the Rutherford Avenue/Main Street intersection in 2017.
Those familiar with the Sullivan Square are very skeptical that changing signal timings and
coordination will be sufficient to expedite casino impact, and are convinced the more
comprehensive plan the city has proposed will be required.
Future impact at anticipated completion of roadway plans (2023):
In order to understand the impact of the traffic increases on the community, the traffic
information for the hours both preceding and following the peak hours must be known.
Please provide a chart/graph showing the LOS delay and queue numbers for each hour
between 6:00 AM and 12:00 AM on a typical Friday at Rutherford Avenue and Main Street
(53d) in the No-Build and “Real” build 2023 scenarios.
Please show detailed 2023 roadway plans (in form as requested above) for any proposed
changes to the current City of Boston Redesign Plan for Rutherford Avenue and Sullivan
What are the daily & peak time vehicle trips through Charlestown?
How many will be on each of Charlestown streets? Please identify each street by name.
Please identify percentage of total project traffic which will use Charlestown Streets.
Common sense and resident experience suggest traffic in summer months is significantly
less, yet the DEIR states summer traffic is higher. What is the basis for this assumption?
Please explain exactly what BTD traffic numbers were used to calculate 2023 traffic
numbers. BTD projected for 2030. Wynn projected for 2023. How was discrepancy
accounted for?
Wynn Casino start up target is 2017 Yet all the trip generation data is for a redesigned
Sullivan Square featuring the grid pattern & multiple streets to disperse traffic. BTD
estimates the Redesigned SS will not be built by that target date. Does Wynn intend to
finance earlier construction of the Redesign? If not, what is the work-around plan?
Alternative Transportation Services:
Please explain in detail all public, shuttle, coach. & water transportation services to be
offered to mitigate trip generation impact on surrounding & host communities, identifying
how many passengers are expected to use each mode, and how many passenger cars those
support services remove from community streets.
Alford Street Bridge:
The bridge is a drawbridge, and must open for all boat traffic greater in height than the low
bridge clearance from the river. What consideration has been given to traffic delays when
the bridge is raised? Were delays factored into traffic estimates?
Market Segments, Access Modes, Parking:
What is Wynn’s market? What are its segments & ages? From what locations will visitors
originate? What will be their travel mode? How many will be day-trippers and
What is the basis for Wynn’s customer parking spaces, and what will their turnover be? *
What are the locations of off-site employee parking lots?
What is Wynn’s plan for getting emergency services to and from the Monsanto site?
Is Wynn expecting any customers to come and go by helicopter?
How was water ferry service ridership of 1200 per hour calculated?
*See parking analysis of three other casinos at end of document
Casinos chosen to characterize Wynn Trip Generation Values:
Casinos selected to develop Wynn trip generation characteristics are too dissimilar to
reflect accurately Wynn’s site conditions and requirements; DEIR suggests using land use
codes (LUC) for a hotel compensates for this dissimilarity, a highly questionable premise.
LUC values do not recognize that the absence of hotels at the three other sites is mitigated by
very robust public, coach, shuttle and subway service.Wynn must be challenged to develop
serious traffic mitigation services.
Casino de Montreal:
- Casino bus #777 delivers clients directly from the metro station. Pick up &
drop off are every 20 minutes from 5:30AM to 9:52 PM, and every 10
minutes from 10:12 PM to 1:15AM.
- Weekly shuttle service from out side Montreal is also provided.
Resorts World Casino, at Aqueduct Racecourse in Queens:
- A train subway from mid-town Manhattan, with free shuttle service from
Aqueduct Station to casino.
- Q7 bus, connecting E & F Metro lines stops at the Casino.
- From LI RR, complimentary shuttle service every 20 minutes from two station
stops, 8:00AM to 12:00AM.
- Two other buses offer direct service: Q11, Q 41
- A shuttle from Brooklyn pick ups at two points and delivers to casino,
10:00AM to midnight, 2:00AM on weekends.
- Three private coach services offered from mid-town, east and west side
Of Manhattan.
Sugarhouse Casino, Philadelphia:
- Sugar Express, center city route, service every 1 ½ hours, with pick up/
drop off at nine locations
- Sugar Express, South Phily route: identical service
* Parking values for the three baseline Casinos as exhibited in the DEIR are incorrect, based
on specific phone calls to each facility:
- Sugarhouse: Wynn: 1820, phone call: 1296
- Montreal: Wynn: 3000, phone call: 2000
- Queens Aqueduct Site: Wynn 6500, phone call: 10,000
(This may include the racetrack parking.)
Trip Generation Analysis:
Wynn DEIR rejects Sugarhouse Casino vehicle trip generation rates as unusual results, and
instead uses the Casino de Montreal and Aqueduct vehicle trip rates. In fact, the higher
Sugarhouse Casino rates are more in line with the results found in an ITE research paper
from 2000 and another from 1998 (five separate casinos in total).
Please provide reasons why the research results by Trueblood and Gude are not relevant to
the Wynn Everett development, and explain the rejection of the Sugarhouse Casino rates
despite their similarity to trip generation rates found in previous research?
Wynn Resort -Everett
3,072 slots
900 tables
Peak Hour Vehicle Trips based on Wynn DEIR vehicle trip rates
Friday 1,152
Saturday 1,311
Peak Hour Vehicle Trips based on ITE reference (Trueblood and Gude)
Average Weekday 1,812
Average Weekend 1,966
Please note: the peak hour vehicle trip rates calculated in the Trueblood and Gude paper are
average weekday and weekend rates which means that Friday and Saturday rates would be
even higher.
Mode Share:
Table 2-20 on page 4-119 indicates that 62% of the patron market is within a 30 minutes
travel time (including visitors arriving via Logan Airport).
What proportion of the 62% originates from Logan Airport?
What is the number of vehicle trips this represents?
What are the mode choices of patrons originating at Logan Airport?
What is the research justification for 10% of patrons will use the Orange Line, and what
market segment will do so?
The DEIR states that “3% of patrons and employees will use water transportation to the
Project Site." What is the research basis for this estimate?
Site remediation of Tier 11 site
Dredging for Marina
Removal & replacement of unsuitable soil, sediment & structural material for oyster
Bulkhead Restoration
Construction of oyster bed
Garage Construction
Hotel Construction
Restaurant and retail store construction
Construction of harbor walk and floating dock
How many trucks/barges/ delivery/removal vehicles will be required for each activity
listed above?
To what location will the remediated soil be delivered?
What route or routes will each take to enter and leave?
How many cubic yards or truck loads in each activity must be removed?
What will each activity’s duration be?
What train line is under consideration for removal or delivery of materials?