I am pleased to announce that last night the Somerville School Committee voted to appoint Steve Roix to fill the seat vacated by me on December 13, 2012. I have complete faith in Steve and know he will do a wonderful job as the School Committee Representative. Congratulations Steve - I am looking forward to working with you!
Steve Roix
21 Pinckney Street
Somerville, MA 02145
SRoix@k12.somerville.ma.us **
**I do not know if Steve's School Committee e-mail account has been activated yet but it should be by tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Volunteers Needed
SIGN UP NOW FOR SHOVELING HELP OR TO HELP SHOVEL: We're looking for volunteers aged 18 and older to assist senior citizens and residents with disabilities with snow shoveling this winter, and we are also accepting applications for residents... needing assistance with shoveling. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Nancy Bacci at NBacci@somervillemagov, or 617-625-6600 ext. 2250. If you are interested in receiving shoveling help, please contact the Somerville Council on Aging at 617-625-6600 ext. 2300. Both volunteers and residents seeking shoveling are CORI checked, so get on the list before it snows again. Please share this information with neighbors who may not be online.
City Democratic Committee will be meeting on March 5th at the High School
Cafeteria at 6:30 pm. We are hoping that representatives of the
Democratic candidates for US Senate will be able to join us.
Additionally, we have invited a representative of the State Democratic
Party to come and talk about the importance of the upcoming State
Convention (July 13th Lowell) and Party Platform
Following the City Meeting Wards 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 & 7 will convene to caucus to elect delegates for the State
Convention. For residents of Ward 6 please contact Jack Connolly
(jmconnolly@wccinsurance.com) for when Ward 6 will caucus for Delegate
On Monday, February 25th I will be holding a neighborhood meeting regarding the proposed development of 625 McGrath Highway (Highland Auto Parts.) This is the 2nd neighborhood meeting regarding this development - a 34 residential development - and I encourage people to attend. It is being held at the Cross Street Community Center located at 165 Broadway (corner of Broadway & Cross Street East) from 6:30 - 7:30. The developer, their attorney and representatives from the City's planning department will be there to address your concerns. Let's hope Mother Nature cooperates with us and we can get this meeting in.
I had the pleasure of attending The Somerville Council on Aging’s Annual Valentines luncheon. I want to thank The Council on Aging as well as their gracious host - the Winter Hill Yacht Club. It really was great seeing everyone .... lots of fun .... it is events like this that make me love my job even more!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Snow Emergency Lifted
This message brought to you by the City of Somerville - courtesy of Mother Nature..............
"SNOW EMERGENCY LIFTED, effective immediately: Based on current and forecast conditions, the City’s snow emergency is now lifted. Due to high compliance with emergency regulations, the City has been able to avoid towing for snow violations – and, due to the Presidents’ Day holiday, cars parked in City and school lots may remain there until 8 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19. All other parking regulations will go into effect as of midnight on Monday. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this fast-evolving storm."
"SNOW EMERGENCY LIFTED, effective immediately: Based on current and forecast conditions, the City’s snow emergency is now lifted. Due to high compliance with emergency regulations, the City has been able to avoid towing for snow violations – and, due to the Presidents’ Day holiday, cars parked in City and school lots may remain there until 8 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19. All other parking regulations will go into effect as of midnight on Monday. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this fast-evolving storm."
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Snow Emergency Declared
Here is a message brought to you by the City of Somerville - courtesy of Mother Nature..............
SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARED, Five Things You Need to Know: Due to rapidly shifting weather conditions with up to 8 inches of snowfall now predicted, the City has declared a snow emergency effective at 7:30pm tonight, Saturday, Feb. 16. Please take a moment to review and share the important information below:
1. EVEN-SIDE PARKING BAN: During the snow emergency, parking will be allowed only on the odd-numbered side of the street (unless otherwise posted). Cars not moved from the even-numbered side of the street by 11:30pm Saturday will be subject to ticketing and towing. EXCEPTIONS: If your street normally has even-side-only parking year-round, you may park on the even side during an emergency (but not on the odd side) unless otherwise posted.
2. PARKING IN CITY LOTS: Residents may park in any municipal lot or in designated school parking lots starting at 7:30pm Saturday. Meters in these lots (and Citywide) will not be in effect during the emergency. Vehicles may remain in the lots until 2 hours after the emergency is lifted. For an interactive map of City and school lots, click here: http://ow.ly/hwtpk.
3. METERS NOT IN EFFECT: During the emergency, meters are not in effect. But parking at street meters is allowed only on the odd-numbered side of the street.
4. WHO TO CALL: Residents with non-emergency requests should call 311. For emergencies, please remember to call 911. Downed limbs should be reported to 311. Downed power lines should be reported to 911.
5. MORE INFO: Additional information may be found at the City Snow Webpage at www.somervillema.gov/snow.
SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARED, Five Things You Need to Know: Due to rapidly shifting weather conditions with up to 8 inches of snowfall now predicted, the City has declared a snow emergency effective at 7:30pm tonight, Saturday, Feb. 16. Please take a moment to review and share the important information below:
1. EVEN-SIDE PARKING BAN: During the snow emergency, parking will be allowed only on the odd-numbered side of the street (unless otherwise posted). Cars not moved from the even-numbered side of the street by 11:30pm Saturday will be subject to ticketing and towing. EXCEPTIONS: If your street normally has even-side-only parking year-round, you may park on the even side during an emergency (but not on the odd side) unless otherwise posted.
2. PARKING IN CITY LOTS: Residents may park in any municipal lot or in designated school parking lots starting at 7:30pm Saturday. Meters in these lots (and Citywide) will not be in effect during the emergency. Vehicles may remain in the lots until 2 hours after the emergency is lifted. For an interactive map of City and school lots, click here: http://ow.ly/hwtpk.
3. METERS NOT IN EFFECT: During the emergency, meters are not in effect. But parking at street meters is allowed only on the odd-numbered side of the street.
4. WHO TO CALL: Residents with non-emergency requests should call 311. For emergencies, please remember to call 911. Downed limbs should be reported to 311. Downed power lines should be reported to 911.
5. MORE INFO: Additional information may be found at the City Snow Webpage at www.somervillema.gov/snow.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
The Unseen Dangers of Winter Weather
Thank you, Maureen, for this opportunity to share my story with your readers and my fellow Ward 1 residents.
Be careful walking, because you might slip. Be careful shoveling, because you may strain your heart and back. These are the winter risks most of us are familiar with. But there are other, deadlier risks that snowy weather presents that we tend to ignore. I know I did. And it almost cost lives.
I saw, and even shared, the alerts going around from the Fire Chief and others about blocked vents. And I saw the horrible news of the young boy who died while trying to warm himself up in the car that he hadn't completely finished digging out of the snow -- the tail pipe exhaust wasn't venting properly and the boy died of carbon monoxide poisoning. But I didn't walk to the side of my house and check my own furnace exhaust until it might have been almost too late.
Do You Know Where Your Furnace and Dryer Vents Are?
We own a condo in a four-unit building. Our unit sits on the top two floors of one half of the building. Like most, our water heater and furnace are in the basement. But because there's a unit in-between us and our heat, getting it up to us, and getting the exhaust out of the house, is challenging.
We installed a new furnace about four years ago -- long enough ago that I don't remember the reason why they moved the exhaust vent from the old chimney to the side of the house (I remember it seemed to be a legitimate reason though), but recent enough that its placement hadn't been tested by big snow piles.
Until this weekend. When I noticed that the furnace was pushing out cold air. When I went downstairs to investigate, I smelled a very small amount of gas -- not enough to cause me to go running, for sure. When I opened the cover, I saw water dripping from the wide PVC pipe that vented the combusted air from the furnace and knew immediately what the problem was. I turned the system off, ran to the side, started digging, and snapped this picture.
We were lucky. My wife noticed the cold air, as did I. The new furnace had a safety system in place that must have cut off the heat when it detected a backup of unvented but combusted gas.
We were about to head out to meet friends for dinner, while my wife's mom was going to stay home to relax. If we had an old furnace, we might all be dead now, or I could have come home to a dead mother-in-law. The possibilities terrify me.
Take a moment to check the side of your house and make sure all of your vents are clear. Don't try to warm up in a running car in a snow storm. Don't use generators or any other combustible heat source inside.
Watching someone slip on ice brings out the worst in us -- I know I've uttered a chuckle once or twice watching someone try to recover. But these dangers are no laughing matter. Please be safe this winter!
- Todd V.
Be careful walking, because you might slip. Be careful shoveling, because you may strain your heart and back. These are the winter risks most of us are familiar with. But there are other, deadlier risks that snowy weather presents that we tend to ignore. I know I did. And it almost cost lives.
I saw, and even shared, the alerts going around from the Fire Chief and others about blocked vents. And I saw the horrible news of the young boy who died while trying to warm himself up in the car that he hadn't completely finished digging out of the snow -- the tail pipe exhaust wasn't venting properly and the boy died of carbon monoxide poisoning. But I didn't walk to the side of my house and check my own furnace exhaust until it might have been almost too late.
Do You Know Where Your Furnace and Dryer Vents Are?

We installed a new furnace about four years ago -- long enough ago that I don't remember the reason why they moved the exhaust vent from the old chimney to the side of the house (I remember it seemed to be a legitimate reason though), but recent enough that its placement hadn't been tested by big snow piles.
Until this weekend. When I noticed that the furnace was pushing out cold air. When I went downstairs to investigate, I smelled a very small amount of gas -- not enough to cause me to go running, for sure. When I opened the cover, I saw water dripping from the wide PVC pipe that vented the combusted air from the furnace and knew immediately what the problem was. I turned the system off, ran to the side, started digging, and snapped this picture.
We were lucky. My wife noticed the cold air, as did I. The new furnace had a safety system in place that must have cut off the heat when it detected a backup of unvented but combusted gas.
We were about to head out to meet friends for dinner, while my wife's mom was going to stay home to relax. If we had an old furnace, we might all be dead now, or I could have come home to a dead mother-in-law. The possibilities terrify me.
Take a moment to check the side of your house and make sure all of your vents are clear. Don't try to warm up in a running car in a snow storm. Don't use generators or any other combustible heat source inside.
Watching someone slip on ice brings out the worst in us -- I know I've uttered a chuckle once or twice watching someone try to recover. But these dangers are no laughing matter. Please be safe this winter!
- Todd V.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Snow Emergency Over - School back in Session
A message from the City of Somerville...............
at 8pm today, the City’s snow emergency will be lifted. Residents
parked in municipal lots will have until 10:00pm this evening to move
their cars in order for plows to clear snow. Please note that, while
parking on the even side of the street will be allowed, there must, by
law, be at least 10 feet of passage for emergency vehicles. Residents
are asked to be particularly careful on secondary roadways that may still be narrow. Any cars potentially impeding access may be subject to ticketing and towing.
Additionally, due to improved conditions citywide thanks to high temperatures and the ongoing work by DPW crews, Somerville Public Schools WILL be in session on Wednesday, February 13th.
We appreciate your support, feedback, and patience with this most difficult weather event. Thank you."
Additionally, due to improved conditions citywide thanks to high temperatures and the ongoing work by DPW crews, Somerville Public Schools WILL be in session on Wednesday, February 13th.
We appreciate your support, feedback, and patience with this most difficult weather event. Thank you."
Monday, February 11, 2013
Somerville Recreation
Although Somerville Schools are cancelled tomorrow 2/12/13,
Somerville Recreation is offering a program at the Somerville High School Field
House for children ages 5-13. Children will take part in activities such as:
Arts and Crafts, Recreational Games, and Board Games. This program is FREE!
Children ages 5-8 can be dropped off at the Field House at 9am and should be
picked up at 12:00pm. Children ages 9-13 should be dropped off at 12:00pm and
picked up at 4:00pm. Preregistration is not required for this program. We hope
to see you there! Somerville Recreation
- - -
Public Skating hours for Tuesday, February 12, 2013 are:
12:00~2:00pm at Veterans Memorial Rink 1, and 3:45~5:15 Rink
- - -
DPW clearning snow away from the Edgerly School.
(photo courtesy of DPW worker Frank Santangelo)
DPW clearning snow away from the Edgerly School Boxing Club Entrance
(photo courtesy of DPW worker Frank Santangelo)
Bastardi Command Central..........LOL
We Are All In The Same Boat or is it Snow Bank?
(Picture courtesy of DPW worker Frank Santangelo)
The City’s snow emergency will remain in effect until further
Somerville Public Schools will remain closed until Wednesday, February 13th.
DPW continues to clear streets.
Their priority right now is as follows: Clear streets – Removing snow from Schools –
Removing the MOUNDS of snow that have accumulated.
With these MOUNDS of snow visibility is tough while driving
and walking. I urge everyone to please use caution.
The Fire Chief is still very concerned about heating vents
and car exhaust pipes not being cleared.
Unclear vents and pipes cause carbon monoxide poisoning and are a fire
The Fire Chief continues to urge people to help clear a path
to the fire hydrants on your streets. If
you are unfamiliar as to where exactly the hydrants are located you can contact
311 and they should be able to give you the location.
If you own the property it is your responsibility to make
sure the sidewalk is shoveled.
Please continue to check on your elderly neighbors and offer
your assistance if possible.
And just think the meteorologists are predicting more snow
on Thursday and possibly again on Saturday.
I think I can hear a collective moan right now. The way I am looking at it is we are all in
the same boat or in this case snow bank.
I have been receiving a lot of telephone calls and e-mails
and I promise to get back to everyone as soon as possible – barring I do not
lose electricity again. The City is
working around the clock – using all their resources to clear and remove
Thank you to everyone who has been helping shovel out their
neighbors and the fire hydrants.
Important Lesson
I just love this photo. Unfortunately I do not know who took it so I have no idea who to give credit to.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The City-Wide Democratic Committee Caucus scheduled for tomorrow night has been canceled. New date TBA.
I have not received word yet if the City-Wide Democratic Caucus is still on for tomorrow night or not. As soon as I find out I will make a post.
- - - - -
I'd like to thank the McCollem girls for helping clear out the fire hydrant on Franklin Street yesterday.
A friend of mine said yesterday, "Shoveling after snowstorms is always a great way to re-meet your neighbors." and my reply was, "I couldn't agree more." It was great meeting some of my new neighbors and re-meeting others. It was great seeing everyone help each other and boy did I get some exercise.
- - - - -
- - - - -
I'd like to thank the McCollem girls for helping clear out the fire hydrant on Franklin Street yesterday.
A friend of mine said yesterday, "Shoveling after snowstorms is always a great way to re-meet your neighbors." and my reply was, "I couldn't agree more." It was great meeting some of my new neighbors and re-meeting others. It was great seeing everyone help each other and boy did I get some exercise.
- - - - -
*The Somerville Public Schools will remain CLOSED tomorrow,
Monday the 11th.
*The Snow Emergency will remain in effect until tomorrow,
Monday the 11th at 6PM.
*Vehicles parked in municipal lots will have until 8pm to
leave the lots so that City crews may begin cleanup of all school and metered
parking lots.
*Please remember that residents and businesses MUST shovel
the sidewalks in front of their property within 6 hours after the end of a
storm or will be subject to fines. Shoveling snow into the street is not
*Please please please remember to clear vents in your home
and exhaust pipes on cars to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning and fire
*Please assist the Somerville Fire Dept. by clearing paths to
fire hydrants in your neighborhood.
*The DPW has been working very hard at clearing the streets
and schools.
*If your street has not
been plowed please call 311 or feel free to give me a call.
*Though the State has lifted the driving ban as of 4PM
yesterday afternoon they are encouraging people to stay off the roads so the
State and Cities can continue with their clean up efforts.
*If you have an emergency please call 911. If it is a non emergency issue please call
*Please please please take the time to check on your Elderly
neighbors and perhaps assist them with shoveling.
*The MBTA is hoping to resume LIMITED subway and bus routes
around 2PM this afternoon. They are hoping to resume regularly scheduled service
*Again, if you are venturing out please please please be
- - - - -
On Monday, February25th from 6:30 - 7:30 at the Somerville Community Center located at 165 Broadway (corner of Broadway & Cross Street East) I will be hosting a 2nd Neighborhood Meeting regarding the new development scheduled for 625 McGrath Highway (Highland Auto Parts.) Representatives from the Developers and their attorney will be present as well as a representative from the City's Planning Department.
- - - - -
It has been brought to my attention that the contact information I shared for Benjamin Echevarria the person that the School Committee appointed to fill the vacant position is incorrect. Unfortunately, after my initial conversation with Ben he has not gotten back to me with the correct information. It is also to my understanding that Ben has not been officially sworn in. It disappoints me so that Ward 1 is going without a School Committee Representative for so long now.
It has been brought to my attention that the contact information I shared for Benjamin Echevarria the person that the School Committee appointed to fill the vacant position is incorrect. Unfortunately, after my initial conversation with Ben he has not gotten back to me with the correct information. It is also to my understanding that Ben has not been officially sworn in. It disappoints me so that Ward 1 is going without a School Committee Representative for so long now.
A Little Friendly Competition
Nothing like a couple of good challenges to get my
Somerville pride flowing.
The City of Somerville has accepted a “Library Card Sign-Up
Challenge” from the Town of Arlington. The Challenge, which will take place through
the month of February and also includes the Towns of Belmont and Lexington,
proposes to reward the library system that sees the greatest percentage
increase in residents signing up for library cards. Prizes will be issued for new cardholders,
culminating in a Grand Prize of an e-book reader to one of the new registrants.
Throughout the Challenge, new library card registrants and
current card holders referring a friend will receive incentives such as
buttons, bracelets, pencils, bookmarks, and more when they sign up. New card
holders will also be entered in the grand prize drawing of an e-book reader.
“February’s competition is the start of Somerville’s
endeavor to register new library card holders. The library plans to tie this
into a yearlong outreach effort in different areas of the community to obtain
new library users,” said Carpenter. “As
part of the Library and Schools’ dual strategy of providing seamless education
services, the library and area schools are partnering on this effort. So be
sure to look for our announcements and signs throughout the City about upcoming
outreach events and patron incentives!”
Local businesses interested in participating in the
campaign, please contact Eileen Fontenot, eileenfontenot@gmail.com or
I’ve had my library card for more years than I care to
mention, made sure my children got theirs when they were young and have always
enjoyed all the special programs the library has to offer.
_ _ ___
East Somerville Main Streets has entered into a friendly
little competition with Union Square Main Streets. The Facebook page that gets the most “likes”
by Valentine’s Day will be treated to some delicious donuts from Union Square
Donuts on opening day.
This is the link to the East Somerville Main Street’sFacebook page. Please stop on over andgive them a “like” – if you are looking for the competitions Facebook page –
well – you will need to find it on your own ;)
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